Continuing within the dance genre, I decided to look at another popular dance track, especially within pubs/clubs. I thought it would be quite interesting to look at another artists official music video to see if any of the techniques previously mentioned are carried on throughout the genre, and if so exactly which.
After watching the video for the first time, one of the first noticeable similarities is the way in which the video focuses on one main person throughout. Like 'Watch the sun come up' by Example, there are other people shown in the video, in the case of this video in a club, but the main focus is on one woman. Videos within the dance genre seem to focus on either one or two people throughout the video to create a story. In some cases, as with the Example videos, the people in the video do actions that match the lyrics to the song.
Furthermore, the pace of this video is quite unusual in relation to the pace of the song. The song itself is quite fast paced and upbeat, however, all the parts of the video that focus on the main woman are in slow motion, completely contrasting with the pace of the music.
The setting used for the video is quite unusual to. There is a sense of loneliness created and it is obvious that there is nobody else around in such an environment. However, although there is a sense of loneliness, the pace of the music completely covers this fact, where as usually, if this type of scene appeared in a film, it could appear quite scary and build up a lot of tension for the viewer, but this is not the case here.
In places, the video uses smooth transitions from one cut to another. As one shot is disappearing, another is also appearing so that the two are visible through each other before appearing or disappearing. This is similar to effects used in previous videos where special effects such as split screens and 'sketched' effects are used randomly throughout as transitions to make the video more interesting to view.
Moreover, like other videos within the genre, a range of shots are used, but the one that stands out is the use of close-up shots to give the viewers a clearer picture of the person/object.
All in all, this video has some of the same features of other music videos within the dance genre, but also does some things in the opposite way, such as slow motion action with fast paced music as a pose to fast, quick cuts with fast paced music, often the way that videos within the dance genre are put together. However, although this makes the video different to others of its kind in the same genre, it works well with the music track and does not appear out of place in any way.
At no point during this video do the people included mime to the lyrics of the song. This is in total contrast to the two songs by 'Example' where at some point during both songs the people within the video do mime the words to the song.
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