Once again, I chose another popular dance song within the genre. Furthermore, it is from a completely different artist and therefore once again it is interesting to see if any of the features used throughout the genre are used in this video as well and if so which ones.
One of the first noticeable features that I have picked upon throughout all four videos is the way in which it focuses on two main people, in this case a man and a women.
The song 'Stereo Love' concentrates on some of the meanings behind love. The song is sang by a women, and is put together in such a way that it appears as though she is singing about her 'perfect' man. The setting in which the video is set is a typical romantic type of setting, therefore fitting in with the whole meaning behind the song.
Furthermore, the video is also in slow motion, in complete contrast to the pace of the song itself, of which is quite fast paced. The use of slow motion fits in with the whole 'romantic' theme behind the meaning of the song and the setting in which the video is set. As with every video, there are a range of shot types used within this video, but one of the most noticeable is the use of close-up shots to give the viewer a greater insight into an object or person.
The clothing worn by the two people in this video is smart-casual. This type of clothing is quite unusual for the environment in which the video is based (the beach) where the weather is shown to be sunny and impermeably hot and therefore as a viewer would expect to see them wearing an even more casual style of clothing, especially for the man who for example you would expect to see wearing shorts instead of trousers, and just a T-shirt rather than with a cardigan. However, after analysing the other videos as well, it appears as though smart casual is the chosen style for most music videos and therefore this could well be the reason why the style has remained the same for this video.
At no point during this video do the people included mime to the lyrics of the song. This is in total contrast to the two songs by 'Example' where at some point during both songs the people within the video do mime the words to the song. This song is much slower than the previous three however and this could therefore be the reason why it was decided not to include narrative within this video, as well as to make it fit in with the whole romantic theme more possibly?
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