As I am following Example, I decided to choose a second music video to analyse, for their song 'Watch the sun come up'. I chose to do this due to the fact that I will be creating a new music video for another of their songs 'Kickstarts', but also to see how similar or different the videos are in the way that they are created, due to the fact that they are both for the same artist, and both songs within the dance genre.
The first noticeable thing about both videos, is the fact that they both concentrate on two main people throughout the story behind the video. Obviously in the video 'Kickstarts' there are more than two people in the video due to the nature of the song, but even within that video, there is still a focus on two main people, particularly at the start. This is also the same for this video, apart from the fact that there are no extra people(apart from those in the background of scenes), the video is purely based around the two main people, the man and the woman. Furthermore, the style of the two videos is exactly the same, however, this could well be to do with the fact that both videos are for the same artist. By 'style' I mean the way in which for example both videos use two locations, switching between the two throughout the video.
Moreover, the use of special effects throughout the video is very noticeable and makes the video much more interesting than if these were not included. The transition from video footage of the guy walking down the street for example to the 'sketched' version of the same footage makes the video very surreal, which makes the music video look very professional and adds an interesting aspect to the video, which some other music videos within the dance genre may not have. It would be interesting to note here that special effects are also used in the music video for 'Kickstarts' as mentioned during that analysis, where effects such as split screen are used to make the video more interesting and appealing to watch to fit in with the music track.
As with the previous video, the clothing style is exactly the same. The woman within the video is dressed in smart-casual clothing and the man within the video is dressed in casual wear.
Narrative is included in this video. However, it is only the man that actually interacts with the lyrics of the song. There is no point during the video where the woman mimes any of the lyrics to the song.
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