This is the first draft of my CD cover. I have chosen to use a black and white colour scheme because while designing the cover, these colours seemed to look effective. This makes the CD cover more interseting and if produced, im sure would appeal to the audience. Furthermore, due to the fact that within the music industry today the majority of CD covers use colour, this would make my CD cover more unique and therefore successful.
Here is a list showing my conclusions following on from my magazine advertisement analysis. The text highlighted in blue shows whether or not the advertisement meets the typical conventions.
1) All bright in colour, visually appealing. Fits in with the dance genre due to the exciting and up-beat nature.Colour scheme of Purple, Blue and Pink appears to be popular within the genre.
2) Computer generated images of women, typical feature across CD covers within the genre.
3) Backgrounds to the covers usually very bright in colour, represent disco lights, strobe lights etc.
4) Many dance CD covers include examples of the artists included on the disks, gets the audience interested in buying the product
5) Simple, big bold fonts commonly used for CD titles to ensure that they stand out from any other detail on the cover.
Although the first draft of my CD cover does not appear to meet the standard conventions across the genre, I still feel that my CD cover would be suited to the artist and the genre. Conclusion number four has not been met due to the fact that my CD will be a single and therefore would only include the artist Example rather than various artists and therefore this conclusion is not applicable.